Roberto D’Amico, dopo aver lavorato nel settore della Comunicazione e del Marketing, grazie alla sua forte esperienza internazionale si è trasformato in Tour Operator. E’ riuscito così coniugare passione e business con il suo “Perù Inside - Out”.
La Sicilia
Dall’Etna alle Ande, il lungo viaggio di un linguaglossese “stregato” dal Perù
A boy and his noise
Peru: Some Closing Thoughts
Now that our trip to Peru is winding down, here are some thoughts about our two weeks here, in the order in which they come to my head.
International Living’s
At Haku Expeditions and KB Tambo Tours there is an emphasis on adventure and sports tours, but others have found success with traditional sightseeing and cultural tours. Italian Roberto D’Amico, of Peru Inside Out, offers tours of this kind throughout Peru.
Aosta Cronaca
Perú & la selva color smeraldo. lunedì 12 settembre 2016
Living Peru
Michelle Tupy shares the experience had by her and her family when they recently traveled to southern Peru.
World Travel Market
Perú Inside Out is an experienced and knowledgeable South American tour operator
From Mount Etna to the Andes, a Sicilian Bewitched by Peru
Now a proud business owner, Roberto D’Amico had an adventure of his own before settling in Peru.